In This episode: a story of a quest for inner peace, overcoming the dark side of negativity – from being born with her right foot up against her right shin, being adopted, merciless teased as the first girl boarder at a boy's boarding school, growing up with two adoptive alcoholic parents, and finding her mother dead on the bathroom floor when she was 19. How do you cope with that? How do you access those deep held emotions and tensions, to heal from mental and physical ailments? We're going to find out how when we have a conversation with Ann Hince who lived through it..and can show you how you can too. I am your host Michael Herst welcome to One More Thing Before You Go.
When Ann was 19, she woke one morning to find her mother dead in her bathroom. Twenty years later the tears from that trauma were still just under the surface. Ann found a simple technique that helped her release these emotions - but she went further and can now put her awareness inside her body - and has changed the bone structure of her skull and grown ½ an inch at age 55. Ann has found that seeking out our truth, what we truly feel, and accepting those feelings, is the key to inner peace.
I am just like many other people. Just like you perhaps? I had a childhood with plenty of trauma and dysfunction. I had PTSD into my 30s, the result of two alcoholic parents. I became a software engineer because it was so comforting to know that logic could work in part of my life, even though it never seemed to work in my chaotic life as a child. In my 30s and 40s I was afforded the luxury of being a stay-at-home mom to my two boys. Realizing how traumatized I still was when my boys were young, I set out to become the calm mom I wanted to be. I changed. Things changed. Life changed. I had no idea where I was heading, I just continued to do “my release work” which is what I called it. Nothing felt better, so why not?
My goal is to reach those people who really want inner change, inner peace, those who have the desire and will to do the inner work. There are many who do not want to look inside, but if you are someone who does, who really wants change, then it is my pleasure to show you the path. Find out more and how to contact Ann to help you:
Let's Boogie by Chris Phaze
Licensed through an agreement between Shutterstock Canada, ULC, doing business as PremiumBeat(“PremiumBeat”) and Michael R Herst, One ore Thing Productions LLC, LICENSE #4086230
Ghost Rider by Gyom
Licensed through an agreement between Shutterstock Canada, ULC, doing business as PremiumBeat(“PremiumBeat”) and Michael R Herst, One ore Thing Productions LLC, LICENSE #3601604
Animated background by Vecteezy
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Animated background by Vecteezy