How to Connect with a Psychic Medium: Discover Your True Self

In this episode, we explore how connecting with a Psychic Medium and Soul Healer can help you unlock your inner potential and guide you towards a path of self-discovery and spiritual fulfillment. We’re going to answer that question and so many more with a very special guest in today’s show. I’m your host, Michael Herst. Welcome to One More Thing Before You Go.

My guest in this episode is Janet Romanowski, also known as Sunshine. She is a Psychic Medium, Soul Healer, Spiritual Advisor, High Priestess, Reiki Master, Recovering Alcoholic, and founder of Sunshine Readings. Her passion is helping highly motivated witches who desire to step into their highest purpose and live a life aligned with their spiritual beliefs.

Join us as we delve into Janet’s journey and discover how her unique abilities and experiences can inspire and empower you to embrace your true self. Find out more: All Thing One More Thing

Let's Boogie by Chris Phaze

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#Podcast #Spirituality #PsychicMedium #SoulHealer #SelfDiscovery #SpiritualFulfillment #Witchcraft #Reiki #SunshineReadings #OneMoreThingBeforeYouGo