Nov. 3, 2020

That Thing About The Family Secret

That Thing About The Family Secret

In this episode we talk about family secrets, the kind that nobody wants to tell for fear of shame and embarrassment. Should we should keep that family secret hidden from the world? Do we let it eat away at our soul every day? Or do we just do the right thing and tell the truth from the beginning. We’re also going to explore how family secrets can change the perception of reality to a point that it affects our lives and those around us negatively, and how to change that path. We are going to have a conversation with a woman who kept a deep dark secret for over 10 years, and what it felt like to finally speak up and live life on her terms. Michelle Anhang is a motivational speaker who shares her story of becoming widowed at the age of 34 when her husband died by suicide, and how she navigated her way through stigma, shame, and her own mental health challenges to rebuild her life intentionally. Michelle is a Certified Life Coach who specializes in supporting individuals and families living with mental health challenges as well as those moving forward after loss. In addition to coaching. Find out more at Contact Michelle Anhang, Mental Health Support for Families BOOK ONLINE