Shirley Billigmeier

Shirley Billigmeier Profile Photo

Owner / Author / Consultant

Shirley Billigmeier has been a Body Image Specialist, Eating Consultant, Best-Selling Author, Sought-After (Celebrated, Dynamic) Speaker for more than 50 years. Shirley helps women, men, teens, and children resolve their issues with food and eating - outside of any form of “dieting.”

Since the publication of her first book, Inner Eating, she has worked with over 10,000 clients on their weight loss journeys. Over the past four decades, she has refined her company, Innergetics, into a much more comprehensive, holistic solution than mindful eating alone.

Shirley offers tools that allow people to take a conscious, structured approach to eating, so that they have more control over when they start and stop eating. Every baby is born knowing how to do this, but most of us lose this ability over time. Shirley helps people recover this knowledge.

Clients who adhere to Shirley’s process not only lose weight, but they keep it off permanently. They do this from a sense of abundance and respect for the body, rather than through deprivation and willpower. She will help you regain the true joy
of eating. It will teach you how to tune in to your body and feed it what it needs, each and every time you eat.

Nov. 29, 2023

How to Empower Your Plate: The Holistic Eating Approach

In this episode, we explore the secrets to establishing a profound connection with your body and happiness when it comes o food. We have a conversation with a holistic health coach whose transformative practice provides pract...

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