Sharon Caren

Sharon Caren Profile Photo

Spiritual Intuitive-Author

As a Spiritual and Intuitive Akashic Master and Guide I love my work in the Akashic Field, my zone of genius – to serve individual’s as well as organizations to connect with the infinite side of themselves, their “true nature”.

After a lifetime of knowledge in healing, near death experience and personal awakening, I assist clients with Akashic readings/healings, classes and spiritual coaching to dive deeply into their unique soul purpose. Many clients have reported gaining confidence in their personal and business lives, getting promotions as well as starting their own successful, thriving business, finding the love of their life, finding peace after the death of a spouse or family member, and making a new life for themselves after sending children off to college.

I love speaking to groups/organizations and teaching a complete Training Certification in the Akashic System. It’s my purpose and legacy to bring forth this life changing work to empower others. This is for those of you light workers who are ready to step up in uncertain times to assist the evolution of humanity and our planet.

July 16, 2023

Embracing Spiritual Wisdom: The Key to Personal Evolution

Welcome to the third episode (of four) of the Akashic Records series, where we delve into the profound wisdom of the spiritual world and the path to true happiness and fulfillment. In this enlightening discussion, I am joined...

Listen to the Episode