Pete Cann

Pete Cann Profile Photo

The Laughter Man

The Laughter Man, Pete Cann is on a fun filled mission to bring the positive benefits of laughter to the world. Since discovering Laughter Yoga, company owner Pete has transformed his business and family life and now wants to share his infectious secrets and get the planet laughing along with him.

As part of my interview, I would love to offer your listeners the opportunity to try my 5 day laughter challenge -

Where they can use laughter to help complete a creative goal that they have.

Dec. 3, 2021

That Thing About Laughter Yoga- The Magic Stress Reliever- Friday Fun…

In This episode laughter really is the best medicine, How to combine laughter and yoga to help you improve your life and those around you, Laughter Yoga as a stress reliever and health secret. Can you remember the last time …

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