McCall was the only child of an alcoholic single mother, joined Alateen at seven years old, and after decades of therapy self-help books religious experimentations, found herself back in the 12 step program she's on a journey of discovery and, we’re going to learn how she transformed her life after years of struggling to find herself. McCall Bennett-Lawrence has built up layers of defenses and coping skills, as the only child of an alcoholic single mother. In Alateen at 7-years-old, after decades of eclectic therapies, self-help books, and religious experimentations from mundane to profane… McCall has now found herself back in a 12-step program, with more questions than answers. With an articulate quirkiness and irreverent wit, McCall invites listeners to join her on an unconventional journey of “discovery and recovery”. Her podcast UnBoxing “God” dances along the edges of spirituality and science - in an unflinching exploration of both - often through the lens of 12-Step recovery.
With extensive research, personal experiences, and the wisdom of epic polymaths and guest contributors alike, UBG host, McCall Bennett-Lawrence, brings listeners along on her quest for insights to foundational questions such as “Who am I & WHY?” (“Is there a God?”, “Will life always suck?”, “How could anyone love me?”, etc.)