I started my career as a corporate educator and soon discovered that running away from painful emotions by working 12 hours a day was a coping mechanism. I’d wake up at 6 am and eat a snack and go to work by 7 am and teach until 12 pm. A small lunch break later, I’d begin working from 2 pm to 9 pm. Only to begin again the next day. Often eating rice rolls and milk from the convenience store, it saved me time preparing for the next classes. A workaholic, you could say. I realized stress, sadness, and unhappiness were at the core of feeling dissatisfaction with life. Despite the fact that I had a successful career with an esteemed job, good income and high status, I felt empty inside. I quit my job in the financial district in Seoul, and bought a plane ticket to San Francisco to visit my friends in 2009.
I was seeking happiness from other people to fill my cup.
Then, I happened to check in to a haunted hotel during the visit, and told my friend, who I was supposed to meet in Washington D.C., the scary story. He paused, introduced me to his mother by saying, ‘Here talk to my mom, she’s a psychologist.’
I told her about my experience with ghosts. The first and only thing she told me was, ‘You are crazy, go back to your country.’ The rest is history. I returned to Seoul, and eventually checked into a mental hospital for 3 months in 2009 in Seoul from this incident. A pivotal moment in my life.
Since 2010, I set off on a journey to find out a) what is the meaning of life and b) who am I at the core. And I can tell you, that journey took me down a lot of blind alleys and dead ends. But eventually, it led me to wisdom – life’s medicine.
In 2015-2020, I discovered how to enhance my life through silent meditation, prayers, yoga, dharma practice, purification rituals, mindful speech, inner child work, shadow work, mind body soul integration techniques, healthy relationship building strategies, soul retrieval, internal family system therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, past life regression therapy, astrology, human design, chakra healing reiki, cranial sacral therapy, angel therapy, alchemy, non violent communication (NVC), 5 emotional intelligence, 5 universal emotions, 5 elements in Master Sha’s healing tradition, and to transform the way I dealt with painful memories and feelings.
I built a stronger connection with myself and others, which led me to feel that sense of warmth, contentment, and inner peace I’d been searching for all those years.