Jeffrey Charles Hardy

Jeffrey Charles Hardy Profile Photo


Jeffrey Charles Hardy is a 30-year veteran healthcare system, service and facility planning and design consultant. Jeff is the President and Founder of Care for Peace, a 501(c)(3) non-profit corporation based in Novato.

As a recognized healthcare industry leader, writer, and speaker, Hardy has written articles and been on the speaker circuit on a variety of topics that include “Patient Safe Hospital Design”, “Patient Administration Consolidated Services” and “The Mini-Hospital”, among others for the American Hospital Association, the Center for Healthcare Design and the Patient Safety and Quality organization, among others

Following the release of USA sanctions in 2012, Hardy worked with the Myanmar Ministry of Health, the Peoples’ Health Foundation and the Rakhine Thahaya Association to fund, plan and build the first, prototype Mini-Medical Center that will be supported by a Micro-Healthcare System for rural townships and villages where 70% of the people live with little-to-no healthcare.

Hardy’s recently published book, TO CARE FOR PEACE – A GLOBAL MANDATE TO SECURE THE SECOND HUMAN EVOLUTION IN PERPETUITY has been making as many waves in TV shows and podcasts as it has begun to resonate among the world community of people who want to be part of the process of changing the world for humanity and all living things.

Feb. 28, 2024

Caring for Peace: The Dawn of the Second Human Evolution

In this episode: Explore the transition from the First Human Evolution to the upcoming Second Human Evolution, a paradigm shift crucial for our survival. Join us on a journey through the challenges we face globally and the ur...

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