With multiple degrees, and 36-years of Fortune 100 leadership within companies like IBM, Oracle and Microsoft, Guy Morris has been a proven thought leader in adapting advanced technologies, implementing complex IT solutions, and advocating for the internet and cyber-security.
His success stories range from designing a macro-economic model that out-performed the Federal Reserve; building high-performance global teams; driving merger & acquisition deals in the global energy sector; innovating early AI Expert Systems technology; and pioneering internet tech and award-winning webisode series.
Inspired by men of the Renaissance who were fluent in science, art, politics and religion, Guy Morris is also a Disney published composer; a musician with multiple CDs; an inventor; a licensed Coast Guard charter captain; an entrepreneur; a researcher of AI, history, and prophecy; and author of award-winning thrillers involving AI, espionage, religions, politics, and history. A grateful husband and proud father of two with seven grandchildren, Guy lives overlooking the Puget Sound.