Dr. Sharnael Wolverton

author naturopathic dr speaker bix owner

Dr. Sharnael didn’t always know the language of miracles. Years ago, when she was focused solely on ministry, she was faced with serious health challenges. Doctor after doctor, prescription after prescription, and soon she was on a suitcase full of medications that came with myriad side effects and no improved quality of life. At the recommendation of a friend, she visited a new doctor, who focused on her mind, her life, her beliefs and the ENERGY of this ...not just stats on a chart.

In that office, she had a silent epiphany: “I teach the blessing of God’s love to so many, and I yet have no REAL LOVE for myself.”

This sparked a journey of DIVINE Truth , LOVE and Conscious Living like never before .

Today, Dr. Sharnael lives in a very different world. She is a naturopathic doctor, quantum scientist, linguist, and theologian, integrating these disparate wisdoms into one language of miracles. Her scientific approach to miracles has helped countless people Re-Member Truth, Love, and Purpose, and had re-set their lives.

She has taught & traveled to over 51 countries and uses social media /interviews /podcasts to ignite the masses to alignment of these things.

Dr. Sharnael is an accomplished educator, author of 5 books , and entrepreneur. Two of her most recent titles are “The Science Of Miracles Re-Membering The Frequency of Love” and “Keto Reset 31 Days to New Life” as well as a card deck “Crystals, Oils and Decrees Card Deck” and has produced numerous teachings on the topics of Divine Science and the Human Body including consciousness, epigenetics, quantum health, essential oils, nutrition, frequency, the biofield, juicing, conscious language, dreams & visions , cleansing, detoxing, abundance and way more!

Dr. Sharnael is originally from Montana and currently lives in LA with her husband Brian, her 5 children, 6 cats & 4 dogs . She is also an animal advocate and foster mom for her local shelter.

Dec. 18, 2024

Elevating Human Consciousness: The Paranormal and Spiritual Ascension

Have you ever wondered how paranormal phenomena and spiritual encounters are linked to the awakening of human consciousness and spiritual ascension? Join us as we explore these captivating topics with our extraordinary guest,...

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