Ann Théato

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Psychic Medium & Tutor

Ann is an International Psychic Medium, Award-Winning Writer, Voice Artist & Host of the Psychic Matters! podcast, investigating psychic development, mediumship techniques, and paranormal science. Listen to her show and you’ll not only learn how to develop your spiritual gifts, but you’ll also investigate the teachings of experts across the globe and gain their wisdom, advice and spiritual wealth.

In the Western World, even in this very modern 21stcentury, there are very few good teachers who uphold and advance psychic teaching. Ann has trained at some of the best psychic institutions in the world and with some of the best tutors and modern-day paranormal pioneers and she is a respected Tutor at Tony Stockwell’s Soul Space, the world-renowned London College of Psychic Studies and the esteemed The Sir Arthur Conan Doyle Centre, Edinburgh. She also has a Muggle job.

As an Associate Lecturer for the past 8 years at University of the Arts, London, Ann is responsible for nurturing new talent, teaching degree students how to create compelling, visual adverts across multiple media. She delivers high energy lectures & presentations on Creative Thinking, Writing Voicing & Producing Your Own Work for Radio, Storytelling, Podcasting and Pitching & Presenting Skills.

Voted Winner of Best Documentary Long Form by the British Public Radio Awards for her Audio Documentary Series Life At Death’s Door, narrated by celebrated British actor Brian Blessed OBE & UK’s top female comedian & BAFTA award winner, Jo Brand. [Life At Death’s Door: A look at some of the incredible ways we can commemorate our dead and find out how we can conduct our own unique funeral celebrations, to better reflect the lives our loved ones have lived] when not writing or producing radio, she works as a voice artist, voicing everything from cartoons & crying babies, to car commercials and TV continuity links. Her podcast Psychic Matters made the final slate for the second year running, as a Nominee in the 2022 People’s Choice Podcast Awards.

In rare spare moments, Ann can be found trying to draw sketches of a longed-for horse she has yet to own.