Andra Dediu

Andra Dediu Profile Photo

Transpersonal Therapist

Andra Dediu supports individuals to integrate the highs & lows of really far-out experiences like spiritual awakenings, mystical experiences, & insights from altered states of consciousness which may come about spontaneously, from spiritual practice or psychedelics.

Her work is experiential, process-based, embodied, systemic, transpersonal, and relational.

And, she is currently preparing to publish her research on integrating spiritual emergencies to better support her work with integration.

Sept. 13, 2023

Unlocking Spiritual Depths: A Journey of Illumination

New episode! Navigating Spiritual Depths and Heights can be a daunting experience we might be scared away from without knowing how to handle it. Well today, we're embarking on a profound journey that delves into the very esse...

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